How To Reclaim Control And Make Every Situation A Win/Win

Power dynamics in the workplace are a given. For those in leadership, the imbalance of power often leads to feeling frustrated, undervalued, and overlooked-especially in women and minorities-impacting both self-esteem and the bottom line.

For those feeling alone and unsure of how to respond, Power Up Power Down gives specific strategies to (finally) reclaim control and identifies proven ways to create a ‘win-win” outcome.

Too often, power situations can feel like a “rock and a hard place” – if you’re too assertive, you’re labeled (at best) as overbearing and unapproachable. If you’re too passive, your voice, ideas, and opinions are ignored. But as Viktor Frankl stated, “Between stimulus and response, there is a space.” Our “real” power is knowing how to tap into that space and respond intentionally.

Gail Rudolph helps readers discover how to harness their innate interpersonal power, revealing cues and signals that help us respond effectively.

By recognizing the ways to value all people (including yourself), you can make a choice to become empowered!

Insights About Power Up Power Down

“By treating the critical role of power in the workplace informatively, engagingly, and insightfully, Gail Rudolph has given each of us a valuable gift that will keep on giving from the present well into the future.”

Dr. Robert Cialdini,
New York Times Best-Selling Author
of Influence and Pre-Suasion



Gail Rudolph has spent years as an executive, maneuvering the power dynamics that happen in all interpersonal and business interactions. As a Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling author of the new book, Power Up Power Down: How to Reclaim Control and Make Every Situation a Win/Win, she’s the go-to expert on how to harness interpersonal power and create win/win outcomes. Gail’s mission is to help those who feel alone, overlooked, and under-estimated tap into their power so their unique expertise, perspectives, and opinions are heard and valued in every interaction.

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