Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity has become a goal for almost all organizations. And, it is no surprise because it is not a simple topic. A company can easily fill positions with all kinds of different people but that does not ensure they will work together with mutual respect and acceptance. Simply placing people in a room together does not create an environment for equity or inclusion.

Through identified techniques and research, we offer DEI training that explains how biases are formed and why bias is something we, as humans, can’t fully eradicate. This allows individuals to heighten their awareness, enabling them to hear, accept and behave more consistently with a diverse, equitable, and inclusive outlook.

Our minds are designed to process information in an “Us versus Them” response. Our unconscious mind has us constantly taking sides, which leads people to hyper-moralize and engage in hyper-judgment. Our brains have triggers that cause us to react in a manner similar to Pavlov’s dogs and we are not even aware these responses are happening.

From a young age, these unconscious oversights are solidified as we are frequently exposed to ideas that disproportionately favor some groups while ignoring or failing to serve others. It is not enough to say “we are not biased;” shifting to a place of true equity, inclusion and diversity is about embracing a wholly inclusive mentality.

Our mission is to help each individual move from a “Them” mentality by shining a light on behaviors and beliefs that perpetuate often unconscious “Us VS Them” ideas, beliefs, and actions.

It is simple for an organization to meet the “requirements” for a diverse workforce. However, inclusion – creating an authentic environment where every person feels welcome, seen, valued, and appreciated for their uniqueness – is a very different matter. And establishing true equity involves acknowledging and recognizing that we all don’t start from the same place and making adjustments to minimize or eliminate those imbalances.

Is your company missing the benefits of Diversity?

Our customized training programs will cover how you can use Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to:

Build awareness

Establish empathy

Produce opportunity


What PEOPLE Are Saying

Contact us to
schedule your training

The training and awareness of your people is the cornerstone to ensure that diversity of all kinds is embraced. This creates an inclusive workplace where every person feels welcomed and accepted as a unique individual. Labeling and generalization are cast aside and colleagues instead look for similarities to connect them instead of differences that divide. The power of inclusivity reminds us that we are all a part of the same team – Team Human.